Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 27

There are four clear reasons why learning how to speak well benefits us through all of our lives :
• Improved academic performance : The National Literacy Trust found students who have strong speaking skills perform better in school . This is because they are better able to participate in class discussions , ask questions and give presentations .
• Increased employment opportunities : Employers value employees who can communicate effectively . This is because good communication skills are essential for teamwork , problem-solving and customer service . Around 77 % of employers said that communication skills were ‘ very ’ or ‘ extremely important ’ for job success .
• Enhanced social skills : Strong speaking skills can help young people build relationships and make friends . They can also help them to be more assertive and confident in their interactions with others . For example , a study by the University of Oxford found that children who received training in public speaking were more likely to become leaders .
• Improved self-esteem : When young people feel confident in their ability to speak , they are more likely to take risks and try new things . This can lead to increased self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment .
In addition to these research studies , there is also a great deal of anecdotal evidence to support the importance of speaking skills . For example , many organisations that work with young people from these under-served communities have reported that developing speaking skills is one of the most important factors in helping them succeed .
At the time of writing this article , Labour Party leader , Keir Starmer , announced a plan to improve the speaking skills of ALL young people in England . The plan , which is called Oracy for All , would see the introduction of a new national curriculum for speaking and listening . The curriculum would focus on developing students ’ ability to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts , including formal and informal settings .
Starmer ' s plan has been welcomed by education experts and , if introduced , would be a massive step forward .
“ Speaking is a fundamental skill that is often overlooked ,” said Stephen Coleman , Professor of Political Communication at the University of Leeds . “ But it is essential for everything from getting a job to making friends . This plan is a welcome step towards ensuring that all young people have the opportunity to develop their speaking skills .”
If you ’ re a business leader , I urge you to think about whether your company could offer speaking skills as a training tool for your employees . Watch them thrive after a few sessions with organisations like Toastmasters .
You could also make a real difference to the lives of young people by donating to organisations that are working to improve speaking skills in disadvantaged communities . You could also volunteer your time to , or employees ’ time , and see first-hand the benefits .
By taking these small steps you could make the biggest difference . x
Lynne Fernquest , Chief Executive , Bath Rugby Foundation
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