Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 28



Digital Transformation is intimidating for a lot of businesses . Unfortunately , this means many fail to even begin . And those that do , struggle to transform successfully because they lack proper planning and don ’ t approach the process with the right mindset . Although upending current business processes to adopt new technology is challenging , it ’ s a crucial undertaking if businesses want to keep pace with the rapidly advancing digital world . Businesses that fail to digitally transform will struggle to keep up with customers ’ evolving demands and fall behind the competition . Eric Lefebvre , Sovos ’ CTO , offers insight on having the right mindset to master Digital Transformation .


Naturally , you talk a lot about Digital Transformation in your role . How can IT leaders tell it ’ s the ‘ right ’ time to restructure their IT departments ?
You cannot execute successful Digital Transformation without a healthy IT department .
Leaders , then , must be on the lookout for the warning signs of a sinking IT ship so they can implement change before any employees or customers go overboard .
If your business suddenly can ’ t keep up with market demands , this can be a sign of trouble in the IT department . Challenges like rising technology debt , spiralling project costs and stifling software renewals may be pulling your IT team ’ s attention away from hitting milestones and achieving deliverables . What may seem like an inconvenience for the shortterm spells catastrophe for the long-term , as a well-functioning IT department is essential for maintaining your organisation ’ s tech stack and guiding you through Digital Transformation .
Similarly , if delays have become your business ’ new normal , then this may mean your IT department has been driving with the check engine light on . Sometimes , the remedy is simply
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