EARLY ON , I WAS OFTEN ANXIOUS ABOUT SEEKING CLARITY , BUT I ’ VE REALISED THAT IF I DON ’ T FULLY UNDERSTAND SOMETHING , I ’ M LIKELY NOT ALONE . every organisation that wants to use those technologies to improve productivity , efficiency and sustainability has a vested interest in investment in trusted networks . Currently we see strong activity in three areas in particular . The first is data centres : cloud providers and other businesses are building more data centres than ever , in order to keep up with demands of AI , and those data centres are all filled with networking technology . The second is private networking , where an individual site , such as a hospital or a factory , buys a network solely for their own use , which can really help with digitalisation . The third is defence , where militaries are looking to use technologies like 5G to improve their communication and technological capacity .
If you could go back and change one career decision , what would it be ?
Looking back , I find it hard to pinpoint a career decision I ’ d change because every choice has taught me invaluable lessons and connected me with incredible colleagues , peers and friends who continue to enrich my journey . However , one thing I ’ ve learned over time is not to hesitate in asking questions . Early on , I was often anxious about seeking clarity , but I ’ ve realised that if I don ’ t fully understand something , I ’ m likely not alone – something I ’ d encourage everyone to do , regardless of seniority or experience .
What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain a C-level position in your industry ?
For anyone aspiring to a C-level position in the industry , resilience and adaptability are essential traits for navigating challenges and evolving circumstances . Cultivating a collaborative mindset and prioritising strong relationships across the board – success at the top level is rarely achieved in isolation . Most importantly , believe deeply in what you do . Passion and conviction not only inspire those around you but also sustain your drive and focus as you work toward achieving your goals .
What behaviour or personality trait do you most attribute your success to and why ?
I would attribute my success to adaptability , collaboration and empathy . Adaptability allows me to navigate change and seize opportunities , while collaboration ensures stronger outcomes through teamwork . Empathy is key to understanding others ’ perspectives , enabling me to find win-win solutions that benefit everyone involved . Together , these traits have been invaluable in driving success and building meaningful relationships .
What ’ s your go-to productivity trick ?
It ’ s simple for me – prioritise and plan accordingly . By focusing on the tasks that will deliver the greatest impact and organising them strategically , I ensure my efforts are directed where they matter most . This approach not only boosts efficiency but also helps maintain clarity and momentum , even when managing competing priorities . This approach has always served me well and is even more important now in my current role .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months ?
Within Nokia , communications has long been considered an essential strategic attribute . What has changed is its increased prominence within the organisation . It now holds a direct seat at the leadership table , reflecting its critical role in driving authenticity , bringing external insights in and contributing more directly to business success .
Thinking more broadly about the next 12 months , advanced technology such as AI continues to evolve at a rapid rate , requiring careful thinking about how to best use it to advance the function , whilst still ensuring authenticity and effectiveness . Meanwhile , the rise of digital and social media platforms have transformed how we communicate , driving the need for ‘ digital-first ’ strategies with increased integration of AI into these strategies . x
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