Intelligent CXO Issue 41 | Page 37


Decarbonising urban mobility : how tech can remove the headache of regulatory compliance

Industries across the world are racing to cut their emissions and reach the net zero target by 2050 . However , in the EU , transport remains as the only sector failing to comply as emissions still haven ’ t reduced since 1990 . Facing strict regulations to buck the trend , fleet managers and public transport operators need to take necessary steps to ensure terms of the Paris Agreement are met . Justin Coetzee , CEO and Founder , GoMetro , details the regulatory compliance solutions available to the transport industry .

Decarbonising urban mobility is a pressing challenge for fleet managers and transport operators across the United Kingdom and the European Union . As new regulations target carbon emissions , technology offers solutions to streamline compliance and optimise operations , providing a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving industry .

In recent years , both the UK and the EU have introduced a raft of legislation aimed at reducing carbon emissions associated with mobility .
In the UK , 2021 data shows that transport accounted for more than a quarter of its total emissions . In the EU , transport is the only sector that has not reduced its emissions since 1990 . It is therefore under the microscope , with decisive policies being introduced to ensure that the terms of the Paris Agreement are met .
In both the UK and the EU , road emissions make up the largest proportion of transport-related emissions , so this is where the largest focus lies . With multiple policies and pieces of legislation at play , regulatory compliance likely feels like an insurmountable task for fleet managers and transport operators . But technology can help ease the burden and guide decision-making in three key areas .
Trucks and vans are an integral part of economic activity and growth . But with both the UK and the EU setting targets for the reduction www . intelligentcxo . com