Intelligent CXO Issue 40 | Page 67

We tend to prioritise larger businesses that spend the most money . It ’ s easy to fall into the habit of neglecting smaller suppliers who ’ ve been with you the longest . Over time , you end up with tail spend .
People drop off your radar , they may become disgruntled , which isn ’ t great for business . AANI allows you to resolve your tail spend issues instantly by automating processes , allowing buyers to improve overall supplier management practices .
Negotiating win-win agreements
The concept behind Pareto optimisation is that if all parties to a negotiation are willing to reveal their wants , desires and concerns , there ’ s more scope to reach an agreement .
Instead of treating the negotiation process like a game of chess where winning is the ultimate goal , AANI algorithms ensure there ’ s enough of the pie for everyone . Both buyers and sellers get the best deals possible .
Data gathering and mitigating key person risk
AANI utilises Pareto optimisation to mathematically unlock the best outcomes for all parties involved in a negotiation . Most deals in the retail industry are done by haggling over a small number of variables , mainly price .
Essential data and knowledge accumulated during negotiations are primarily stored in people ’ s heads , so you have key person risk . When key employees move roles or , worse , leave your company , they walk away with a wealth
Lloyd E . G . Barrett , Co-founder of Uncapt www . intelligentcxo . com