Intelligent CXO Issue 40 | Page 64

TO STAY AHEAD OF THE COMPETITION , COMPANIES MUST BECOME DATA-DRIVEN . part of a business that is helping companies from different industries to conceptualise and deploy this technology for several use cases that range from personalisation and improvement of customer experience , to optimisation of processes . As the technology continues to develop , we can expect even more innovative and impactful applications . We ’ re also using a proprietary GenAI platform that helps companies create personalised marketing campaigns at scale . The platform integrates with top-tier Generative AI tools from Google and OpenAI and uses various techniques to ensure the output is accurate , relevant and brand-safe .
What do you currently identify as the major areas of investment in your industry ?
As a digital acceleration company , we have identified areas such as GenAI , security and data analytics as key for investment . Data is at the core of success in the digital age , and to stay ahead of the competition , companies must become data-driven . With a strong focus on digital marketing – including personalised marketing campaigns , performance optimisation and predictive models to anticipate customer behaviour – our business is also expanding the data and analytics practice to other areas , helping clients improve operational efficiency and reduce costs . Additionally , thanks to a partnership with Google Cloud , we can effectively protect our clients ’ data and systems from cyberattacks while providing valuable business insights based on the analysis and activation of security data .
How do you deal with stress and unwind outside of the office ?
I enjoy getting out into the countryside or mountains , cycling and running . I ’ m fortunate to be part of two great communities , whether it ’ s competing or volunteering . It ’ s a great way to broaden my horizons and hone my skills – every club needs a website .
What changes to your job role have you seen in the last year , and how do you see these developing in the next 12 months ?
We have shifted from the ‘ you must implement GA4 ’ phase to ‘ how to get the most out of the products ’. During this time , there has been a lot of thinking and consideration over the best tools needed to achieve business objectives . The rise of GenAI has been occurring rapidly , and identifying what tools and data can best help businesses has become an important point . The rise of GenAI tools isn ’ t going to slow anytime soon and will remain an important consideration . Over the next 12 months , the role will heavily involve shaping first-party data strategies to be tool-agnostic , flexible and agile . Even in a slowing market , change is rapid and being able to surf the wave will put you ahead .
What advice would you offer somebody aspiring to obtain a C-level position in your industry ?
Networking and self-promotion remain key . If you do something cool and useful , share it . Build out a broad knowledge base and try new things . Look to end every engagement with the other side wanting to work with you again and proactively look for opportunities . Moving sideways isn ’ t an issue if it provides an opportunity to learn new skills or enhance existing ones . x
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