Majority of advertisers blast ‘ ridiculous ’ reliance upon paper , says research
Eighty-four percent of UK advertisers and media professionals consider their company ’ s overreliance on paper ‘ ridiculous ’, with 73 % wanting their company to be more conscious about the impact this has on the environment , according to new research from content services provider , Hyland .
While the research has found that a slight majority ( 52 %) of UK workers share the ‘ ridiculous ’ sentiment , the media industry as a whole feels much more strongly than most – more than nurses ( 72 %), accountants ( 64 %), customer service agents or IT professionals ( both 60 %). company ’ s existing document management system is not up to scratch , it appears that the limitations of legacy technologies are partially perpetuating the paper problem .
Tim Hood , VP for EMEA & APAC , Hyland , said : “ The majority of British workers agree that the volume of paper usage in this country is unreasonable . The demand to change things is high , driven by a conscientious desire to operate more sustainably – there are genuine moral grounds to consider technological solutions to the UK ’ s paper problem .”
With the vast majority of UK businesses ( 92 %) still relying on paper documents , the study of 1,000 full time UK workers shows that half ( 50 %) of professionals actively feel guilty about their company ’ s paper usage . Sixty-nine percent specifically want their organisation to offset the amount of paper it uses through tree planting initiatives .
Particularly for advertising / media professionals , the solution is digital . A huge 90 % believe that transitioning to a digital document management system would significantly enhance their company ’ s sustainability . With more than half ( 68 %) reporting that their
Survey reveals Brits look to improve business management skills this year
The Knowledge Academy has found that work related skills such as project management and leadership are the top skills UK adults want to learn in 2024 , as more than a quarter ( 27 %) of respondents opted for this .
Brits looking to improve their work related skills may gain more fulfilment in their roles , as research shows that learning can keep you feeling happy and purposeful at work .
The top reason for Brits opting for their chosen skill in 2024 is to improve knowledge and awareness , with half of respondents ( 50 %) sharing this as their reason .
Whilst almost two-fifths ( 37 %) of those surveyed admit they want to improve on their chosen skill in order to help them in everyday life .
Secondly , improving business management skills ( 26 %) and enhancing business skills ( 24 %) also rank among the top choices , with around a quarter of Brits choosing to focus on these skills this year .
With one in five Brits hoping to find a new job for 2024 , these skills may be a focus for many looking to seek out a career change this year .
Improving computer literacy also ranks among the top skills Brits are planning to learn this year , with almost one in four ( 23 %) looking to upskill these abilities . A recent study found that almost half of Brits don ’ t feel ‘ tech savvy ’, which many may look to improve on in 2024 , with the ever-changing tech landscape constantly advancing .
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