Intelligent CXO Issue 36 | Page 35

Unfortunately , human-centricity has become something of a buzzword in the tech industry , but when it comes to brass tacks , tech providers still focus on positioning their products or services as the ‘ silver bullet ’ to every organisational challenge and aspiration .
At Endava , we ’ re pushing for a paradigm shift – making people-centricity the goal and technology simply the means by which we get there . We endeavour to be the technology partner that is a seamless extension to our clients ’ in-house teams , collaborating to support the business as the organisation digitises . In doing so , bring clarity to design , risks analysis and technology delivery , thereby empowering organisations to rapidly and effectively achieve lift-off and meet goals . The end benefits are widely known – optimised processes , reduced costs and increased revenues .
What kind of clients and market do you serve ?
Endava ’ s customer base is broad and varied – spanning verticals that include everything from banking and government , to automotive , aviation , retail and insurance . But one thing they all have in common is a desire to advance their business through the right application of technology . For some it could be a full technology transformation moving from monolithic deployments of 15 / 20 years ago to the containerised and cloud-based scalable solutions of today ; for others it could be a refresh of their digital channels , taking advantage of the current and future technologies to give themselves a competitive advantage or even developing and launching a digital-only Neo Bank . We are also seeing requirements that emanate from the relatively new field of RegTech , meaning customers are focusing on risk reduction within their technology and supplychain , improving operational performance and stability as well as security . All of these have technical solutions that can be deployed to address them . The key is being clear about the problem domain and what it is you are trying to fix . Many customers focus on symptoms ( i . e . the things that have gone wrong ), rather than analysing and truly understand the root causes . This leads to short-termism that mitigates www . intelligentcxo . com