Intelligent CXO Issue 34 | Page 66



Consumers are increasingly expecting digital platforms that can not only locate information but offer them personalised and conversational responses . For businesses , this impending shift is significant , challenging long-established strategies in digital marketing , e-commerce and more . Duncan Roberts , Senior Manager and Futurist at Cognizant Research , discusses how businesses can prepare for this disruption to the consumer landscape and how they can take advantage of it .

When search engines first became mainstream , they quickly established themselves as the primary gateway to the Internet . They simplified the vast web , allowing users to find information with just a few keystrokes . For many , the search bar became the starting point for any online activity .

However , indications from industry leaders like Google and Microsoft , suggest that the traditional search model is evolving . Now , the focus is shifting towards generative search , where platforms don ’ t just locate information and present links , but generate conversational responses based on user intent . This change is more than a new feature ; it ’ s a different approach to how we access information online .
For businesses , this impending shift is significant . It challenges longestablished strategies in digital marketing , e-commerce , content creation and more . As we move from a ‘ search ’ model to a ‘ request ’ model , it ’ s crucial for businesses to understand the implications and prepare for disruption .
Moving from search to request
The traditional search model may soon move to a more direct request-driven approach . Platforms like ChatGPT are at the forefront of this evolution , where users aren ’ t just querying , they ’ re actively requesting information or specific actions .
Take the task of buying event tickets . In the traditional model , a user might type ‘ buy theatre tickets ’ into a search engine , navigate several websites , compare prices and finally make a purchase . It ’ s a fragmented experience . Now , imagine a more integrated , request-driven experience .
A user initiates a conversation with a digital platform . They discuss preferences like seat location , show timings and budget . However , this is not just a textbased interaction , it ’ s multi-modal . The user could voice their preferences , upload images of preferred seating areas or
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