Intelligent CXO Issue 34 | Page 18


Younger consumers 7x more likely to exercise their data rights , new Cisco survey shows

Cisco ’ s 2023 Consumer Privacy Report explores 2,600 consumers ’ perceptions of data privacy and the impact of AI in that context . It uncovers the younger generation ’ s interest in taking action to protect their privacy and the want for the government to take a leadership role in protecting privacy .

Cisco has published its 2023 Consumer Privacy Survey , an annual global review of consumers ’ perceptions and behaviours on data privacy . The survey highlights how younger consumers are taking deliberate action to protect their privacy , as 42 % of consumers aged 18 – 24 exercise their Data Subject Access Rights , compared with just 6 % for consumers 75 and older . Many say they have lost trust in organisations because of their use of Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) and 50 % of respondents look to the government to set rules and enforce privacy protections . The survey also provides early insights on Generative AI ( GenAI ), revealing that only 12 % of respondents identify as regular users .

AI and privacy concerns
From shopping to streaming services and to healthcare , 48 % of survey respondents agree that AI can be useful in improving their lives . A majority of respondents ( 54 %) said they are willing to share their anonymised personal data to help improve AI products and decision-making . Nevertheless , 62 % of surveyed consumers expressed concern about how organisations are using their personal data for AI today , with 60 % saying that they have already lost trust in organisations because of their
AI use . Organisations can implement measures to ( re ) gain customer trust , such as auditing products and solutions for bias , being more transparent and explaining how the AI works , ensuring human involvement and instituting an AI Ethics Management Programme .
Generative AI : the privacy contradiction
The survey also provides an early snapshot of the use of GenAI and some of the potential risks and privacy challenges . Generative AI is still relatively new to most people – 52 % of respondents said they were not aware of it .
Of those that use GenAI regularly ( 12 %), only half indicated that they were refraining from entering personal or confidential information into GenAI applications . It is notable that the other 50 % may indeed be entering personal or confidential information . This is despite 88 % of respondents indicating that they would be ‘ Somewhat ’ or ‘ Very ’ concerned if their data entered in GenAI were to be shared .
Young consumers championing data privacy
This year , 33 % of respondents qualify as ‘ Privacy Actives ’: they care about privacy , are willing to act to protect it and have acted , for example , by switching companies or providers because of their data policies or data sharing practices . Younger consumers are the most willing to take action to protect their privacy . Just under half ( 42 %) of consumers aged 18 – 34 are Privacy Actives , a percentage that steadily decreases with age .
The percentage of consumers requesting data deletions or change rose to 19 %, up from 14 %
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