Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 37


Putting passenger experience at the heart of multi-modal transportation

Operators and authorities are working hard to deliver connected transport services that offer optimum experience . Where personal vehicles offer a seamless and easy experience to those that own them , public transport authorities must strive to build a competitive advantage against cars by enabling a seamless journey from start to end , argues Aaron White , UK Business Development Director UK at Cubic Transportation Systems .

If there is one thing that the public transport industry has learnt from the significant dip caused by the COVID-19 pandemic , it is that passenger experience must be the top priority . Only recently did usage of the underground return to 90 % of pre-pandemic levels , demonstrating it ’ s more important than ever to engage and attract passengers . At the same time , eyewatering petrol prices and congested traffic are putting people off using personal vehicles . The industry has an immediate opportunity to capitalise on this by encouraging the use of multimodal and ride-sharing platforms – but it needs to act quickly and collaboratively .

Multi-modal and connected services are the future
The path towards adopting multi-modal systems has been full of twists and turns , including some quick wins and early setbacks , but ultimately has been rerouted with a renewed focus on consumer mobility and accessibility . Such systems are a combination of public and private transportation services , integrated within a specific regional setting , offering comprehensive , user-oriented travel choices that facilitate end-to-end journeys through a unified payment system . In this context , single payments are the connective tissue that makes end-to-end journeys seamless .
This innovative approach aims to promote fairness in public access while striving to meet the overall mobility needs of individuals , with passengers at the centre . In this ecosystem , providers collaborate by exchanging data and incorporating a wide array of transportation options encompassing public , private and shared services . To achieve this integration , they leverage application programming www . intelligentcxo . com