Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 14


Is your workforce technology fit for the future ?

Labour shortages , changing employee demographics , inflation , supply chain risks and the pace of regulatory change have put increased pressure on organisations in recent years – causing workforce management systems to collect dust under the list of organisational priorities . Mike Morini , CEO , WorkForce Software , explains how often it ’ s not that organisations don ’ t want to modernise their workforce technology but feel locked into their current system due to the anticipated time and cost involved in replacing it .

Quick question : when did you last buy a new workforce management system ? Last week ? Last year ? In the last decade ? not just resources ’ are ‘ 3.2 times more likely to experience high intent to stay and 3.1 times more likely to see low levels of fatigue ’.

I ask because the pandemic upended almost everything we knew about work . Most workplaces are radically different from how they looked just a few years ago : remote , hybrid working and collaborating with colleagues we ’ ve never met in person is commonplace . Meanwhile , wider trends like staff shortages , evolving employee demographics , supply chain fragilities , regulatory changes , inflation and the cost of living crisis are forcing businesses to continuously adapt .
Even the employer-employee dynamic has shifted , with staff holding greater power and control than ever before . Younger workers , in particular , expect flexibility , on-demand information , growth opportunities and meaningful connections . Therefore , organisations without the relevant capabilities and tools risk falling short of employees ’ new expectations – and potentially losing them to competitors , or even worse , staying and ‘ quietly quitting ’ to perform their work below their full potential .
Prioritising staff expectations as part of employee experience ( EX ) strategies might seem at odds with meeting operational goals . Yet , the link between the two is backed by independent research . For example , according to Gartner , organisations that use human-centric work models where ‘ employees are treated as people ,
Despite EX ’ s critical role in driving successful business outcomes , many EX initiatives often overlook deskless workers who currently make up 80 % of the global workforce . So , what are the key considerations that will help businesses – particularly those that manage dispersed , shiftbased workers – to identify the most suitable way to manage their global workforce ?
Improving EX for the deskless workforce
Deskless workers can be found working in the field , in a factory or warehouse , behind the wheel , in clothing shops , classrooms and hospitals . While tech investments and organisational policies have largely left them out , these workers are the most vulnerable in the face of business changes , wage pressures and other variables and the easiest to overlook .
There are a few other reasons directly connected with using outdated technology for deskless workers that impact an organisation ’ s ability to meet the needs of these workers . For example , an organisation may not have the means to give deskless workers the communication tools they need to stay in touch with peers and managers , keep up-to-date with policy changes or access materials and training that help them stay
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