Intelligent CXO Issue 46 | Page 71


In the corporate world , we hear a lot about the virtues of initiative and accountability . Bosses are expected to champion these qualities in their teams , motivating employees to step up , take ownership and confidently lead . fairytale fantasy . It ’ s already a proven approach that forward-thinking companies are already embracing .

Embracing the shift
Yet , when it comes to applying the model in realworld settings , many workplaces still operate in ways that stifle these very traits . Tasks are assigned , ‘ command and control ’ is used more than ‘ ask and empower ’ and feedback is dispensed thoughtlessly . This creates a dynamic that feels more like a parent-child relationship than a true professional partnership . The leader assumes they ‘ know best ’. Team members feel like subordinates .
This top-down style of management may ensure short-term control , but it comes at a cost . Employees lose their sense of autonomy , initiative wanes and an invisible wall forms between the hierarchical levels of an organisation . True leadership , however , is about more than control . It ’ s about enabling others to succeed . This is where my clients and some of the UK ’ s leading firms are taking a radical yet refreshingly simple approach : transitioning from parent-child interactions to adult-toadult relationships .
This shift , or as I like to call it , ‘ LeaderShift ’, is about fostering a culture where leadership isn ’ t confined to titles or tenure . Instead , it ’ s a mindset that every team member can adopt , whether a seasoned executive or the newest grad hire . It ’ s about leading oneself , influencing others positively , taking action and contributing meaningfully to organisational goals . In this framework , everyone is empowered and can lead from their seat , whether it ’ s at the head of the boardroom or in a shared workspace .
The case for ‘ LeaderShift ’
Organisations need more than employees who follow orders ; they need proactive thinkers and doers who can navigate uncertainty , solve problems creatively and rally others toward a common purpose . LeaderShift is saying goodbye to the passive , dependent , uninspiring culture that traditional management can unintentionally foster .
The path to LeaderShift starts with a few simple , yet transformative , practices .
1 . Shift your mindset : Focus on opportunity , not the obstacle
Leadership begins with perspective . When faced with challenges , resist the urge to dwell on obstacles . Instead , ask yourself : “ What solution could I bring to the table ?” Viewing problems as opportunities to step up and create value sets the stage for impactful leadership . It can also set you apart from needing that extra level of management , establishing the parent-child trap .
2 . Pick a champion : Share your vision
Even the most driven leaders need allies . Identify a mentor , manager or colleague who can support your growth and amplify your ideas . Share your vision with them and enlist their guidance to navigate complex dynamics .
3 . Seek feedback : Constructive comments will fuel growth
Leadership is a journey , not a destination . Along the way , seek feedback from those around you . Constructive comments can illuminate blind spots , strengthen your skills and boost your confidence . Asking for feedback promotes a much healthier culture and allows both the giver and receiver to be less stressed by it . Remember , feedback ( when delivered safely ) isn ’ t a criticism , it ’ s a gift that helps you grow .
4 . Stay adaptable : Flexibility is key
Lara Milward , Coach , Facilitator and Speaker
Imagine a workplace where employees don ’ t just wait for direction but actively seek out opportunities to lead . Where leadership doesn ’ t become a rare skill only discovered in a management role , but a shared practice that elevates everyone . The good news ? It isn ’ t a
The most successful teams are adaptable . In today ’ s fast-paced environment , the ability to pivot in response to change isn ’ t just an advantage , it ’ s a necessity . Encourage colleagues to embrace change with an open mind and a willingness to adjust their approach as needed .
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