Intelligent CXO Issue 42 | Page 68




The UAE has once again demonstrated its global leadership in technology with the country , alongside India , leading globally in terms of both AI knowledgeability as well as usage levels . This is according to a Freshworks report for which 7,000 employees were surveyed from 13 countries across the globe . The study found that the majority ( 84 %) of UAE workers are comfortable using software applications enhanced with AI , while seven out of 10 consider themselves knowledgeable or experts on AI .

This impressively high degree of AI knowledge and comfort in the UAE has meant that AI-powered tools are now becoming a fundamental enabler of work in the country . With 80 % of UAE workers trusting workplace AI software to bring value to their work processes , it isn ’ t surprising to see that most are also using AI enabled software in their day-to-day work . A considerable proportion of UAE workers ( 29 %) report using software applications enhanced with AI on a daily basis while an impressive 81 % using it at least once a week .
This utilisation of AI is translating to more efficient and higher quality of work . Nearly half of UAE workers say that with AI powered software , they can get more done , while completing this work in an easier manner and up to a higher level of quality . Perhaps most impressive though is that on average , the use of AI powered software now saves UAE workers four hours and 32 minutes per week , an amount of time that is nearly 20 % more than the global average of three hours and 47 minutes .
To guide the AI investments of UAE companies , the Freshworks report offered vital insight into how UAE workers actually utilise these tools . While it comes as no surprise that writing or creating content was among the top two ways the nation ’ s employees use AI , it was interesting to see this use case being superseded by data analysis . This is further evidence of the high level of AI maturity in the country , as this application requires a comparatively higher degree of knowledge and expertise .
The fact that the UAE is home to individuals of over 200 nationalities offers a likely explanation for why the third most popular use of AI was for the analysis or translation of text and audio . Also among the top five use cases for AI enabled software in the UAE were writing and creating code , and research and brainstorming .
Offering insight into the types of AI tools that employees in the country utilise , the Freshworks report showed that just over half ( 51 %) use free online AI software . This raises data privacy concerns , as an often-overlooked aspect of utilising tools such as ChatGPT is the potential for sensitive company information to be inadvertently exposed to unauthorised third-party service providers . It appears that UAE organisations are not only aware but acting to address these risks . Nearly half ( 47 %) of respondents stated that their company already pays for AI software . x
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