Intelligent CXO Issue 42 | Page 61



Zoom survey reveals hybrid work reigns supreme and delivers unexpected value to global organisations

Zoom , together with Reworked INSIGHTS , has announced the results of a survey , titled Navigating the Future of Work : Global Perspectives on Hybrid Models and Technology . Hybrid is emerging as the preferred working style worldwide , with 83 % of employees saying that they feel more productive in hybrid / remote environments than in-office / onsite settings . In fact , the value of hybrid extends well beyond the obvious perks of flexibility as hybrid employees say that they feel more connected to their teams / managers ( 82 %).

The value of hybrid work emerges
As organisations align their working styles to meet the needs of their business , customers and employees , hybrid continues to rise above as the preferred approach – in fact , 64 % of leaders said their workplace has currently adopted a hybrid model .
A big part of the conversations around flexible working styles has been productivity , whether employees can be as productive working outside the office as they are in a designated working space . Additionally , 84 % of leaders stated that increasing productivity was their top priority when determining the best working style for their company . Fortunately for businesses , the study found that employees find themselves more productive in hybrid settings , with 84 % of employees saying they get more work done in a hybrid / remote setting than in-office / on-site . This can be due to many reasons but is a testament to the importance of having the right technology in place to keep the workforce connected , regardless of their physical location .
What may be surprising to leaders is that while 72 % of in-person respondents felt very or moderately connected to their manager , even more respondents in the hybrid group ( 82 %) felt the same , showing that feeling connected is not necessarily a function of face-to-face interaction and that relationships can be built and maintained in different working environments .
Don ’ t get too comfortable : the workplace is still evolving
Even as organisations settle into various hybrid models , 75 % of leaders say it ’ s very or moderately likely that their organisation will change its working style in the next two years . Additionally , the survey revealed :
• Eighty-two percent of leaders plan to make their working styles more flexible in the next two years
• Leaders overwhelmingly report that over the past two years , their working styles have become more flexible for employees ( 50 % say it ’ s become much more flexible and 45 % say it ’ s become slightly more flexible )
Building a successful , future-ready workplace requires continuously adapting to employees ’ feedback and evolving preferences . Having the right technology in place that can adapt and evolve with the organisation at the same time is also a key piece to the puzzle .
Generative AI is a key driver of future workplace success
In order to prepare for the continued evolution of how we work , organisations need to improve their current tech stack . The survey unveiled that employees have clearly observed flaws in their organisations ’ digital workplace environments today .
• Most employees ( 75 %) agree that
their organisation ’ s current tools and technology for remote work need improvement
• Seventy-two percent of employees agree that their organisation needs new tools or technologies to support remote working . x www . intelligentcxo . com