INDUSTRY UNLOCKED is estimated to be about 40,000 vehicles . While many councils have already started replacing vehicles , data from Climate Emergency UK indicates that only 19 % of UK councils have fleets containing 10 % or more electric vehicles .
This shows that the task ahead is still significant . The UK government roadmap suggests determining which vehicles to switch first , their charging requirements and the cost-effectiveness of doing so to ensure that targets are met .
A government worker using a car to go to the occasional local meeting can ’ t really be compared with a diesel-powered refuse collection vehicle , so it ’ s important that decision-makers have all the information they need . This is where data and telematics have a huge role to play by tracking distance , routes , energy usage , maintenance costs and lifespan of vehicles , among many other things . This will give decision-makers the power to make informed decisions about which vehicles to retire first , which classes to invest in and what is feasible in their unique circumstances and terrain .
The journey to zero emissions is no mean feat and requires commitments across the board from governments , manufacturers , operators and end-users . The investment , in both the vehicles and the infrastructure to support them , is huge and decisions should not be taken lightly . Technological solutions can help remove some of the risk and the headache of becoming compliant and should form an integral part of the transport sector ’ s revolution . x
Justin Coetzee , CEO and Founder , GoMetro www . intelligentcxo . com