Intelligent CXO Issue 41 | Page 12



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In recent years , the way we work has drastically changed . The majority of organizations have shifted to hybrid work , allowing their employees to work from anywhere , while some have even completely moved away from offices and embraced a permanent work-from-home model . Additionally , these organizations have predominantly turned to Software-as-a-Service ( SaaS ) tools to preserve , and even increase , the productivity of their remote workforce .

Overall , this new approach to how we work is good for employees and businesses , but even better for cyber criminals .
The mass adoption of hybrid work and SaaS applications have escalated the need for organizations to ensure safe access to the web for their employees , no matter where they reside . The increasing ability to access the web from anywhere with almost any device has drastically widened the threat landscape , giving attackers countless opportunities to breach an organization using highly-sophisticated and intricate techniques that overwhelm traditional security .
These advanced web-based threats call for a new approach to web security . Organizations can no longer rely on legacy approaches to stop today ’ s new and never-before-seen threats . Instead , they need a solution with capabilities well-suited to keep up with adversaries and their modern methods . x
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