Intelligent CXO Issue 40 | Page 59




The car subscription service , : Dribe , offers car distributors franchising opportunities , which includes a digital end-to-end platform and concept designed to foster growth through flexible subscriptions . The platform integrates with the franchisees ’ existing resources and operations , and the concept is attracting car distributors from all over Europe .

: Dribe has big plans for expansion throughout Europe . The Danish car subscription service offers car distributors in the UK , Benelux , France and Germany a unique opportunity to seamlessly integrate subscriptions into their operations . : Dribe has developed a scalable subscription concept and a plugand-play model designed to strengthen the franchisee ’ s market position by meeting the need for a flexible mobility solution with short commitments and flexibility regarding car model , size and energy source .
: Dribe , which is owned by Denmark ’ s largest automotive player , Semler Group , is seeing a growing interest from car distributors across Europe , which pleases : Dribe CEO , Jesper Hill-Kjærsgaard .
“ We are incredibly happy with the numerous enquiries from car distributors in Europe . We find that many car distributors want to incorporate subscriptions into their product line but lack the necessary resources to independently develop a new business area . Our plug-and-play model is designed to simplify that process ,” said Hill-Kjærsgaard .
“ The high level of interest only confirms an international market need for flexible car access . This is also supported by research , such as a study from McKinsey & Company , which shows that one in three European car customers is open to trying a vehicle subscription in the future .”
: Dribe ’ s concept is developed for franchisees to seamlessly integrate subscriptions into the company ’ s existing operations . Automated processes for everything from billing to car inspections reduce manual work . Additionally , the concept includes advanced data collection and Business Intelligence tools for targeted customer communication , as well as comprehensive brand assets , an integrated website and statistical modules for optimised operations .
Successful franchising in Greece
The renowned Greek car distributor , Kosmocar , employing over 180 staff members , was : Dribe ’ s first international franchisee . Kosmocar ’ s implementation of the subscription model has since led to a steadily growing customer base and nearly
10,000 downloads of the app . Additionally , Kosmocar has achieved massive media coverage following a launch event attended by 60 journalists , resulting in over 100 media mentions within a few days , according to CEO , Yiannis Emirzas .
Emirzas said : “ We chose : Dribe ’ s plugand-play solution to automate processes and simplify operations , and we are very pleased with the partnership . It has elevated our brand ’ s positioning in the market as technologically strong , innovative and focused on the modern end user ’ s needs . We have swiftly attracted a new and broader customer base , which was a key focus for us .
“ Everything from damage registration to invoicing has become more efficient with the digital backend system . It reduces resource requirements and increases operational efficiency . The innovative approach has helped us adapt to the changing market and stand out in a dynamic industry .” x
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