Intelligent CXO Issue 40 | Page 46

How do you ensure different teams in your organisation work together efficiently ?
Clearly defined and communicated goals are necessary . At Mendix , our leadership team defines organisational goals , and we ’ re open and transparent about what we ’ re going after , as well as the why . I ’ ve found that helping people understand the why is vital . Understanding something makes it easier to believe in and work towards .
Those organisational goals are then broken down into each department , each working group , each individual . That ’ s one side of it .
But defining organisational and individual goals alone isn ’ t enough . You also need to define the projects and actions that will lead to those goals being realised and support and nurture the leaders who will bring people together to achieve those targets . You need enough organisational oversight that work gets done in the timelines it needs to , but also a degree of flexibility that affords individuals enough autonomy to thrive , innovate and contribute . It ’ s not the easiest balance to strike , but it is an important one .
The customer is a starting point for us – we work backwards based on the customer ’ s specific needs . As a first step , we clearly defined the customer experience and interaction points needed across the organisation , mapping out the customer journey and identifying the necessary units and their points of interaction to ensure a seamless experience . By maintaining a balance between teams ’ autonomy and integration , we can nurture speed and innovation while ensuring essential interlocks prevent silos and enhance collaboration .
We also emphasise purposeful and focused collaboration . Teams come together with clear objectives , ensuring that interactions are meaningful and people work together towards the customer ’ s goals . Open communication , transparency and the use of collaborative tools further facilitate coordination , enabling real-time information sharing and project management . This integrated approach ensures that while teams operate independently to maintain speed , they remain aligned towards a common goal of delivering a superior , cohesive customer experience . x
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