Intelligent CXO Issue 40 | Page 41


Public expectations of businesses and business leaders have shifted dramatically over the last decade . While it is a tough time to be a business leader , it is also a time of opportunity for leaders to make an authentic , longlasting impact – not only on their organisation but the future of the planet .

In the context of increasing awareness of multiple global challenges , a new order of leadership for action on climate and other social and global turbulence is required , and a new order of HR professionals is required to recruit and develop them .
The role of a leader has changed . The importance of sustainability to both employees and consumers means that leaders need to be well-versed on this topic too . Professor Matt Gitsham from Hult International Business School explains why he thinks that leaders need a nuanced understanding of major societal forces and know where and how to respond for the good of their organisation and the wider world .
Climate change is increasingly recognised by business leaders as a global emergency and many of the world ’ s biggest companies now have programmes in place to act on climate and other environmental , social and governance ( ESG ) issues . Discrimination with movements such as # BlackLivesMatter and # MeToo , modern slavery and human rights issues , against the backdrop of the UN ’ s sustainable development goals , mean public expectations on businesses to play a leadership role are increasing rapidly , as are the expectations of investors , employees , customers and regulators .
In little over the space of a decade , business leaders ’ roles have shifted . Whereas a few years ago leaders may have ‘ kept their heads down ’ to focus on business , leaving political leaders to tackle societal challenges , these days business , civic and political leaders must work in partnership . Business leaders must engage


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