Intelligent CXO Issue 37 | Page 9


Half of UK adults are using AI chatbots for customer service

Data analysed by the customer experience experts at CX

Network , a global online network for customer service and marketing leaders , has found that around a third ( 34 %) of adults said they had used AI chatbots in the past month . Among those , the most reported uses were customer service ( 50 %).
Older adults aged 70 years and over were the most reported age group having used chatbots for customer service ( 63 %) and advice ( 28 %). Whereas younger adults aged 16 to 29 years were most reported as having used AI chatbots to ‘ try it out ’ ( 58 %) and for entertainment ( 29 %).
Under a fifth ( 16 %) of UK businesses are currently using AI technologies . This data is supported by CX Network ’ s research report Artificial Intelligence for Customer Engagement which found that 56 % of APAC organisations are yet to deploy AI for customer engagement , highlighting that businesses have room to discover the benefits of AI for customer engagement through unfilled potential .
Dan O ’ Connell , Chief AI and Strategy Officer at Dialpad , said : “ Customer loyalty is of huge importance to businesses . Studies have shown that it costs more to acquire a new customer than it does to retain an existing one .
“ AI can improve customer intelligence , bolstering the ability of customer service agents to provide real-time support and assistance and improve the experience as a whole . By offering personalised recommendations through AI , businesses can consistently deliver relevant suggestions through predictive analytics , creating a sense of trust and loyalty with their customers .”

Companies with advanced cybersecurity performance deliver nearly 4x higher shareholder return

Companies with advanced cybersecurity performance create

372 % higher shareholder return compared to their peers with basic cybersecurity performance , according to a new report from Diligent and Bitsight .
The report also revealed that highly regulated industries , such as healthcare and financial services , have the highest cybersecurity ratings , and companies with either a specialised risk committee or audit committee achieve better cybersecurity performance compared to those with neither – with ratings of 710 and 650 respectively . cybersecurity as a cornerstone of their business strategy , guided by clear , ambitious benchmarks , and backed by the full support of their boards ,” said Dr Homaira Akbari , CEO of AKnowledge Partners , Board of Director member for Banco Santander and Landstar System and member of Bitsight ’ s Advisory Board .
In the Cybersecurity , Audit and the Board report , Diligent and Bitsight analysed more than 4,000 mid to large-cap companies in public indices globally , including the Top 300 ASX-listed companies in Australia .
“ These findings show that cybersecurity is not just an IT problem – it is an enterprise risk that has material impact on a company ’ s near-term performance and long-term health and one that management and the board needs to be up to speed on ,” said Dottie Schindlinger , Executive Director , the Diligent Institute . “ With increased pressure from regulators for organisations to demonstrate how they oversee cybersecurity , now is the time for boards and leaders to build their competency around cyber-risk .”
“ Cybersecurity is no longer about simply mitigating risk , it ’ s now a key indicator of financial performance . Companies must treat
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