Intelligent CXO Issue 37 | Page 12





What Does Good Monitoring Look Like ?
Monitoring and alerting are central to the effective use of an RMM . Good monitoring practices enable you to proactively identify issues , resolve them faster , and be more effective . Better monitoring can also play a key role in generating additional revenue and keeping your clients more satisfied . concrete while others may require a small amount of customization to fit them to your use case .
These monitoring ideas are obviously not exhaustive , and may not apply to every situation or circumstance . Once you ’ ve gotten started building out your monitoring around these suggestions , you ’ ll need to develop a more customized and robust monitoring strategy specific to your clients and their needs . x
The challenge is knowing what to monitor for , what requires an alert , which issues can be automatically resolved , and which need a personal touch . That knowledge can take years to develop , and even then the best teams can still struggle with reducing alert fatigue and ticket noise across client devices .
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To help those just getting started condense that ramp-up time and narrow their focus , we ’ ve put together this list of ideas for 25 + conditions to monitor . These recommendations are based on suggestions from our partners and from NinjaOne ’ s experience helping MSPs build effective , actionable monitoring .
For each condition we describe what is being monitored , how to set up the monitor in NinjaOne , and what actions should be taken if the condition is triggered . Some monitoring suggestions are
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