Intelligent CXO Issue 34 | Page 72

combination with strong human attributes . If you find yourself talking about Digital Transformation , stop to also think about the human transformation – or the change in skillset you and your team will need to add real value in the intelligence augmented world .
4 . They may be losing interest in traditional jobs
At certain times , most companies will face difficulties in finding enough of the right people to maintain their customer experience . It seems fewer and fewer young people fancy a ‘ traditional ’ career , and scarcity in the labour market is an on-going challenge .
The world of work is increasingly transparent , and as a leader in your organisation , your own reputation and leadership style can make a big difference in getting the right people on board .
5 . They often want low exit barriers
There is no denying it , customer loyalty has declined . One of the reasons for this is the ease with which customers can change who delivers their service .
Loyalty no longer starts with customers , but with companies . Don ’ t ask the question : ‘ How can I make the customer more loyal to my company ?’ Ask the question : ‘ How can my company show loyalty to the customer ?’
This doesn ’ t always come easily for large organisations , but you need to focus on making life easy for customers , managing their expectations with transparent communication , solving their problems ( even if it means pain for you ), treating them as an individual and nurturing their positive emotions . If you can follow these steps , you can build a connected community of customers stronger than any loyalty scheme .
The opportunities of the ‘ never normal ’ customer
The truth is that the stream of societal shocks combined with the characteristics of the ‘ never normal ’ customer create interesting new opportunities . History has shown that changes in consumer behaviour have often been the key driver behind some of the world ’ s most successful new businesses , and ultimately , a threat is usually just an opportunity that you have not responded to or have been too slow to respond to .
With this perspective , we are entering an era of exciting opportunity . Think back to the rise of Uber . The company was the first to address the frustration felt by millions of taxi customers around the world by exploiting several existing technologies . Many new financial services emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis . Even the chocolate spread brand , Nutella , born out of a global scarcity of chocolate at the end of World War Two when Ferrero turned this problem into an opportunity , using hazelnuts , sugar and just a little chocolate to create a chocolate paste .
Changes in the market always create opportunities . You just need to think about how customer behaviours and expectations change , spot what it means for you and take action .
Steven Van Belleghem ‘ s new book , A Diamond in the Rough , is out now . x
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