Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 53



Slack study reveals UK business ’ focus on performativity is impacting productivity

New research from Slack finds that a focus on performative work , rather than impact , is holding back UK businesses . This leads to them falling behind the likes of Germany , France , India and Singapore when it comes to adopting , and gaining , the efficiency benefits of technological advances in AI and automation .

Based on findings from 2,000 desk workers in the UK , only 21 % say their company is using AI tools to improve productivity , compared to 75 % in India , 35 % in Singapore , 29 % in Germany and 23 % in France . Meanwhile , 37 % of UK workers say their productivity is measured on visibility ( i . e . hours spent in the office or online ). As a result , almost one-third ( 30 %) of the average day is lost to performative work that doesn ’ t contribute to company goals , but is simply done to appear productive .
Thirty-eight percent of UK desk workers state their top barrier to productivity is staying motivated – potentially fuelled by a lack of focus on engaging , high value work . With international comparisons showing the UK employees produce around one-sixth less than the US , France and Germany per hour , the productivity puzzle must be solved .
Automation and AI holds the key to productivity over presenteeism
By using AI and automation , organisations can streamline and accelerate timeconsuming and mundane tasks , boosting focus on impactful work :
• 42 % say they can focus on things / tasks that have more impact
• 32 % say it improves their work / life balance
• 25 % say it improves their engagement at work
Despite recognising these benefits , 52 % of organisations are less tech savvy when it comes to implementing new tech / AI . A minority ( 26 %) are early adopters , but most need to do more to bring the benefits of streamlined and optimised processes to their workplaces through a central productivity platform . work – a factor only complicated by other external pressures like rising economic uncertainty . This may be fuelling a focus on performative metrics that aren ’ t driving real value for workers or businesses .
However , despite the drain of performative work and the potential of AI , executives may be preoccupied with the flexibility question . Their biggest concerns regarding providing flexible hours are a decline in productivity – highlighted by 40 % of leaders – followed by coordination being more challenging ( 36 %).
• Around half ( 47 %) say that using AI will help them to boost productivity
• And by using automation :
• 59 % say they can achieve more with less time and resources
Executive-employee disconnect on the value of flexibility
Many businesses are continuing to navigate approaches to hybrid
Yet while leaders are concerned about flexibility ’ s productivity cost , around the same amount of employees ( 39 %) argue they are in fact more productive when able to choose the hours they work . x www . intelligentcxo . com