Intelligent CXO Issue 29 | Page 30

Eric Lefebvre , Chief Technology Officer , Sovos
Likewise , leaders must remember that Digital Transformation is not one project to check off the to do list . Rather , it is an on-going process to perform in sync with your business ’ s operations and goals . Trying to plan for the day when you are ‘ on the other side ’ of Digital Transformation is planning for a day that will never come .
This forward-thinking mindset is also key when considering technology partners .
Because Digital Transformation is an on-going process and thus irrevocably linked to your business ’ s growth , it is not a singular entity you can outsource to a third party – at least not without risks .
Obviously , the biggest risk of outsourcing is low quality . But even with good-quality support , things can still fall flat . For example , if you entrust your business ’ s Digital Transformation to a third party , you may be left with new processes there is , of course , real value in establishing strong technology partnerships . Finding the right match , however , requires stringent vetting of potential partners .
Experience is among the first factors to consider when evaluating technology partners , and I ’ m not just talking about their years of industry experience . Instead , assess each potential partner ’ s approach to the user experience , for both employees and customers . Look for a partner who prioritises the user experience and easy access to business solutions instead of fanciful but complicated tools .
A potential partner ’ s approach to security should also be top of mind .
It goes without saying that working with a third party requires you to grant them access to sensitive business and / or customer data and this always comes with risks . Carefully weighing that conflict with what your team already has in place . Leaving your team in the dark during Digital Transformation also complicates future maintenance and support tasks .
As a tech vendor , what in your opinion are the signs of a strong technology partnership ?
I may have just cautioned about the risks of outsourcing during Digital Transformation , but a potential partner ’ s security measures and dependability is an important factor that cannot be overlooked .
Done right , Digital Transformation will position your business for strong future growth with opportunities to scale . Adopting new technology , however , inevitably opens the door to more cyberthreats . A strong technology partner , then , is one you can trust to evolve with you as your business scales and cyberthreats increase .
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