My own journey has shown me that women in leadership roles face both similar and different challenges . There are always sacrifices along the way to a rewarding career . It is critical to constantly learn from those lessons along the way and continue to advocate for change . work smarter to distinguish themselves among their colleagues . Management is always looking for unique ideas that can increase business productivity with fewer resources . When women work smarter , they can earn their place at the table with their male and female colleagues .
Do women in the tech industry need to work harder for success than their male counterparts ?
Why do you think there is underrepresentation of females in the tech industry ?
Fatma Al Lawati , IT Examiner at the Central Bank of Oman
Compared to previous generations , a lot of strides have been made around workplace equity . Significant improvements and continued efforts are being placed to bridge the gender gap . All of this is possible via collective effort and the right leadership , regardless of gender . As the statistics continue to trend upwards , it remains essential that a robust infrastructure of sponsors and mentors provide the support , enhance the female self-confidence and set up the right set of initiatives to keep up this momentum .
How do you think the tech industry can become more gender equal ?
At HID , we have women in various leadership and strategic positions , who are recognised for their great work and achievements , and not just for being female leaders . Women might have the relevant education and skillsets , but it is the perception of gender that has to shift . One must remain authentic , be true to their ideologies , continue to pave the way and pay it forward . It will take all of us in the different roles we play to come together to support , encourage , guide , mentor , coach and assert ourselves as a voice to close the gap , regardless of gender .
Fatma Al Lawati , IT Examiner at the Central Bank of Oman :
What is your experience like as a female tech leader ?
When I first started my career , I worked as a technical specialist and progressed through different stages until I became a tech leader . One of the challenges that women often face is being the only female in the room . I still remember my first meeting , in which my manager reassured me that I earned my place among my colleagues , and I should keep up my hard work .
Do women in the tech industry need to work harder for success than their male counterparts ?
In my opinion , women don ' t necessarily have to work harder than men , but they do need to
I believe there are two main factors contributing to the underrepresentation of women in the tech industry . Firstly , women who work in the tech industry don ' t always promote the industry properly . When they attend gatherings , they often talk about the negative aspects and challenges of the industry , but fail to celebrate their achievements , big or small . This can discourage the next generation from pursuing a career in tech . Secondly , many women who enter the tech industry do not have the right leader or mentor to guide them , which often leads them to leave the industry after three to five years .
How do you think the tech industry can become more gender equal ?
In the region where I live , in Oman , there are more women studying STEM or tech majors than men . However , the number of women shrinks as they progress in their careers . To address this issue , I believe creating a proper community where women can support each other , seek guidance and mentoring without judgement can help more females continue their careers in the tech industry .
Lorraine Wilkinson , Vice President , Sales UK , Equinix :
What is your experience like as a female tech leader ?
I ’ ve worked in tech for 30 years , and I have absolutely loved it because my roles have very much played to my strengths of communication , relationship building and collaboration . At Equinix , I am responsible for implementing and progressing the sales strategy in the UK , developing existing customer relationships and supporting the longterm business growth of the company . I was in a highly successful sales role when I made a tough choice to put my career on hold while I raised my children , so for 15 years my career did not progress . It ’ s important we achieve a workplace balance that allows women not to put their careers on hold , but to achieve a work / life balance while accelerating into leadership positions .
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