Intelligent CXO Issue 19 | Page 45

In Saudi Arabia , we ' ve built a relationship with the National Real Estate Registration Services Company ( NRARSC ). Our job there is to help them understand the use of land in the Kingdom .
We ’ ve been helping them establish a strategy for the creation of land parcels and land ownership , with an emphasis on aiding the citizens of Saudi Arabia to register their land . Clear ownership of land is a key part of stimulating the economy in Saudi Arabia , which makes land data an important infrastructure strategy for the Kingdom .
Can you explain the complexity of the data collection process across this region ?
There are lots of different aspects to it . There ' s how you survey the country , such as recording video imagery of the country and how it changes over time . looking for . It ' s our job is to help them with the various services that we provide .
We have expert advisory services – consultancy – where we come in and work out what a country or region is wanting to achieve . We help with connectivity , so making use of data for the best application sustainability .
We also have an innovation service . We have one in the UK , where we work with a startup community to help start-ups make use of location data . We can do that internationally . So , we help international governments set up their own innovation centres .
One of the important things we do is also now work with Earth observation data , which is satellite data and how you interpret it . Also , by mapping the country , it helps in understanding how things change over time .
It also can be useful in terms of proving sustainability initiatives – which is a key focus for the Middle East . So , understanding what ' s happening to the land , to the ownership of land , to the buildings , is important for current sustainability initiatives and seeing how they can improve over time .
How does this work reflect your work within the UK ?
It ' s about taking the best of what we ' ve done in the UK and trying to apply that internationally . But it also depends on what our clients are


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