Intelligent CXO Issue 17 | Page 55




The future of business and how businesses run is always evolving . An Aflac CSR survey shows that 77 % of consumers prefer to buy from socially responsible brands and 73 % of investors say Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) efforts contribute to their investment decisions .

One area where organisations can make a positive social impact is talent acquisition , particularly impact sourcing . Impact sourcing creates opportunities for global brands to hire talent from disadvantaged sectors as part of their CSR .
Benefits of impact sourcing
Impact sourcing provides job opportunities , professional development and higher wages to disenfranchised workers , moving them and their families to middle-income status . Some of the business benefits include :
• Lower costs
• Large , untapped talent pool
• Engaged workforce
• Lower attrition
• Social impact
“ Impact sourcing is really a win-win situation for employers and employees ,” said Frédérique Froment-Kelleghan , Senior Manager , Transforming Talent Programme , Welocalize .
“ Employers can hire a new workforce they can train , while the employees ’ quality of life will improve as will their societies .”
Impact sourcing in Africa
There ' s no shortage of talent in Africa . There is only a shortage of job opportunities . According to the African Bank Development Group , 10 to 12 million young Africans enter the workforce each year , however , only 3 million formal jobs are created annually .
Africa presents a deep , untapped pool of young , educated and motivated workers for outsourcers and multinational companies setting up shared services centers . To assist organisations with their CSR and impact sourcing initiatives , Welocalize , a global language services provider , has produced a complimentary guide , CSR and Impact Sourcing in Africa , which covers the following :
• What impact sourcing is , how it benefits companies and communities and what the landscape and talent pool looks like in Africa .
• Converging factors driving growth on this continent and the opportunities they present for companies looking to tap a new market .
• Benefits of impact sourcing in Africa and other regions .
• Challenges facing businesses , including infrastructure and stability .
• The major language groupings in Africa . According to One World Nations Online , there are approximately 3,000 ethnic groups and 1,500 to 2,000 African languages .
• Languages global brands should prioritise for entering the African market based on population and internet penetration .
• Market entry suggestions , including working with partners .
“ Through our Transforming Talent Programme , Welocalize practices impact sourcing in Africa through strategic partnerships with DDD and Sozo Consulting . Our partners bring their experience building infrastructures and hiring in country , while Welocalize provides the training and localisation expertise ,” added Froment-Kelleghan .
“ The key to success here is training . You can bring young talents to the next level and give them the opportunity to grow their career in localisation . The end results are evident : Welocalize now has three operational teams of upskilled translators in Tanzania , Ethiopia and Nigeria .” x www . intelligentcxo . com