Intelligent CXO Issue 17 | Page 22


In an age of economic uncertainty , stepping on to today ’ s career ladder can be a daunting prospect for young people – even for those with a degree under their belt . With entry-level jobs increasingly needing years of unattainable experience , organisations need to do more to help those starting their careers .

Continued action to tackle youth unemployment and support job seekers will be instrumental as organisations face shrinking talent pools and a surge in demand for talent driven by Digital Transformation .
When looking for how to attract new talent , it ’ s important that organisations acknowledge that further education isn ’ t for everyone . Apprenticeship schemes should not be overlooked as an avenue for identifying and developing new talent , as they equip promising employees with the skills needed to excel within the business .
However , finding and securing suitable candidates for apprenticeships will require HR teams to shift their hiring strategy – looking beyond the bullet points on a CV to evaluate potential over experience .
It is fundamental that employers prioritise finding individuals who are willing to learn and adapt . After all , one of the many benefits of apprenticeship schemes is that organisations can tailor the training that prospective employees receive with a view of keeping them within the business after they complete their scheme .
Significantly , 86 % of employers surveyed by the UK government ’ s apprenticeship scheme said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation . This means , by the time they qualify , the apprentices will be well versed in the company ’ s systems , technology and culture , allowing them to hit the ground running in a permanent role .
When it comes to gaining new skills , learning on the job has been a best practice for thousands of years . Apprentices mastered crafts while working , increasing their skills to become experts . One key element of the success for apprentices was that they learned and immediately applied new techniques , cementing new knowledge in their minds and thus increasing retention .
As ‘ The Great Resignation ’ rages on , organisations need to push ahead with their reskilling efforts to help defend against the ongoing talent crisis . Recent research from SumTotal found that nearly two-thirds ( 65 %) of UK organisations were concerned about their ability to meet their skills demand over the next 24 months . Critically assessing the future demand for skills and understanding the patterns and obstacles that may affect workforce migration to new skill sets will enable HR teams to best utilise and progress their workforce , from apprentices to senior management , ensuring they stay one step ahead as the war for talent intensifies .


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