Of course , sometimes there may be times when an automation needs to switch to a human so it ’ s important to have this considered . Whether that ’ s having a dedicated person able to respond out of hours or asking the customer for their phone number or an email address so the company can follow up with them to answer their query . It ’ s also important to spend some time ensuring your automations are set up correctly and to make adjustments when necessary .
Automate amazing experiences
Research tells us that it costs five to seven times as much to attract a new customer than to retain one . No wonder then that more than 90 % of businesses have a loyalty scheme in place , but customer behaviour is changing and a 2017 study found that US $ 100 billion pounds worth of loyalty points go unclaimed . In fact , many marketers are discovering that experience is the new loyalty with 78 % of retailers saying a good experience is the biggest driver of loyalty today and 55 % of shoppers saying that just one bad experience can put them off returning to a retailer , according to a 2019 study by Klarna .
Fortunately , it ’ s possible to automate amazing customer experiences . This includes using software that can track and identify your best customers and score them accordingly and deliver rewards based on that data . It ’ s no longer enough to send your customer a voucher to use
on their birthday , you need to be able to recognise on their journey and provide moments of delight . This could be random incentives or perhaps even knowing that they bought a haircare product from you and might appreciate a discount coupon as they are likely to be running out soon . Or it could be providing them with educational content around hair care tips from celebrity stylists .
Use automation for marketing and sales
The moment when your customer has bought their first purchase from you is the point at which they are the most engaged . Many businesses will ignore this moment to provide more depth with their communications and instead opt for a simple receipt . Neglecting this point in the purchase is a mistake as it ’ s one of the greatest opportunities to nurture your customer and create loyal fans . It ’ s also why the best performing businesses will use a variety of automations in their business .
In fact , our welcome sequence automation is one of our most popular with our 150,000 + customers . Automation can be used to make these emails run on autopilot so once the
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