Intelligent CXO Issue 09 | Page 14


Retaining the right people

in a world of boundless choice

Dustin Laidsaar , Strategic Business Consultant for Avaya , a cloud communications technology company , explores how organisational leaders can respond to the challenges of keeping employees satisfied and retaining the attention of their customers .

Customer experience is changing to a degree we have not witnessed before . Individuals now have a seemingly endless list of expectations when interacting with a brand .

Recent research from Gallup found that satisfied employees are three times more likely to resolve customer issues than those who are less engaged or motivated .
Take the exploding popularity of Buy Now Pay Later ( BNPL ) services as an example of this shift .
People want to receive items before they have paid for them , to complete transactions with the touch of a button , while also having ironclad assurances around the security of their information .
Today , it ’ s all about operating on the customer ’ s terms , not the company ’ s .
It would be natural for business heads to approach servicing the needs of today ’ s customers with a degree of trepidation . Indeed , there is no silver bullet for meeting this challenge .
But there is a crucial element that is often overlooked when designing the customer journey and that ’ s the employee experience .
While revamping the employee experience is not an overnight process , there are initial steps that can be taken to make your staff not only more productive but also more satisfied at the workplace and ultimately add more value to your customer experience initiatives .
Let them focus on what ’ s important
Let ’ s face it – it is almost impossible for staff to absorb themselves in meaningful work and provide value to customers when they are forced to shift through endless applications looking for resources or are overloaded with timeconsuming administrative work .
It ’ s critical staff feel supported to reach their professional potential ; not only to kick personal goals but to better connect with colleagues and focus on developing spontaneous creative ideas . Automation and Artificial Intelligence can be leveraged to take over routine tasks , whether it ’ s typing the minutes of meeting or transcribing customer calls , while staff focus on actually servicing customers ’ needs .
When employees are engaged and empowered , they go the extra yard to improve customer interactions and drive results .
AI-enabled tools can also help with dissolving the departmental siloes that keep teams separated and customer queries from being addressed . In
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