Intelligent CXO Issue 03 | Page 53



Employee experience complements customer experience as success mantra for businesses , says Yegertek

With economies reopening , businesses are coming to terms with the lasting impact of the global pandemic on their workplaces . A global Gartner HR survey , released when the pandemic began , found that 88 % of organisations had supported work from home policies , which empowered employee productivity , while prioritising their health and safety . Postpandemic , this emphasis on employee engagement has become even more pronounced , with a recent Gallup study linking it to 17 % higher productivity , and a 21 % increase in profitability .

This focus on Employee Experience ( EX ) is a continuation of trends in recent years . Research papers published globally have identified EX as being as critical for businesses , as Customer Experience ( CX ). Metrics such as NPS ( Net Promoter Score ), CSAT ( Customer Satisfaction ) and CCR ( Customer Churn rate ) etc . – which businesses use to track their CX – are being used to measure engagement with employees as well . For instance , an employee ’ s NPS is a critical measure of their productivity and contribution .
Sajid Azmi , CEO of Yegertek , a solution provider in brand engagement and customer loyalty , believes the emphasis on EX is timely in the new normal .
“ EX , at an inflexion point like the postpandemic reopening of the economy , is crucial for businesses ,” says Sajid . “ With creativity , innovation and problemsolving at a premium , high turnover rates , especially among experienced employees , is not an option .”
Great employee journeys lead to staff that are brand ambassadors and greater workplace creativity and collaboration . Industry leaders across all sectors are investing in digital technologies that enhance workplace collaboration , eliminate communication gaps and empower employee-centric initiatives , using data analytics and AI-based tools .
Many businesses have created employee loyalty and engagement schemes , with internal apps that have features such as leader boards ; where achievements are rewarded , applauded and shared . Employees displaying exceptional metrics are often awarded vouchers and benefits , through an ecosystem of partners and suppliers , as well as internal mechanisms .
“ With many organisations resorting to hybrid arrangements , technology is not only essential to integrating remote workers and on-site teams , it can also ensure consistently high EX ,” Sajid said . “ While the GCC leads the global average in employee engagement by 5 % – at 70 % – a closer look also reveals that the region ’ s best ranked employers have a 19 point advantage over the market average , in implementing EX technology .”
EX initiatives are crucial to an organisation creating personalised experiences that promote a sense of purpose , creativity and passion within their workforce . Data-led and employee specific insights are the crucial factor that emerging digital tools contribute , to enable these outcomes .
“ Digital tools that deliver employeecentric insights across both tangible and intangible metrics are the need of hour . Otherwise , businesses risk finding out too late , when a valued asset moves on from their team or when such gaps are reflected in sub-par business outcomes ,” Sajid concluded . x
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