Businesses to miss out on top talent where remote work isn ’ t made permanent
New research from Citrix has confirmed that remote work is here to stay , with 85 % of UK respondents agreeing that it will be more common postpandemic . The study shows that remote and flexible work options are now key to attracting and retaining talent , with 62 % saying that businesses will miss out on top talent if they do not offer flexible work options , and 46 % saying that if they were to change jobs , they would only accept a role which offered flexible and remote work options . Over half ( 54 %) of respondents go a step further and would like remote work policies to be regulated by the Government .
Remote work during pandemic has improved work and personal lives
Surprisingly , only a quarter ( 25 %) of respondents feel that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their working life and career , and 28 % even say it has had a positive impact , in terms of time management , flexibility and overall performance . In addition , over a third ( 39 %) believe their personal lives have been positively affected as the lack of a commute has given them a chance to spend more time with family ( 14 %), take on a hobby ( 12 %) or simply to get extra sleep ( 22 %).
As a result , post-pandemic , half ( 51 %) of respondents favour a hybrid model where they can work from both the office and remotely , with just 12 % wanting to go back to an office every day .
Where companies did not offer remote work prior to the pandemic , it was usually because they feared their employees would not work the same number of hours as in the office . But the research shows that three quarters ( 75 %) of respondents work at least the same number of hours , with 41 % working longer hours than from the office .
Company culture must adapt to better support employees ’ emotional wellbeing
Despite the practical benefits experienced by many people as a result of remote work , over a third ( 35 %) of respondents felt that their mental health had got worse over the last 12 months . The study also shows that 85 % see a company culture that promotes mental and / or physical wellbeing as important , suggesting that businesses must now redefine their company culture to provide an employee experience which ensures they are able to continue to work productively , long term .
“ For all the challenges caused by the pandemic , UK office workers are still reporting improvements to their personal lives and careers as a result of remote working ,” said Mark Sweeney , Regional VP of UK and Ireland , Citrix . “ If people can find a silver lining in even these difficult circumstances , we have an opportunity to evolve work post-pandemic , and see a new generation of happier workers that stay committed to their companies longer , having been given the choice of working wherever is best for them .”
He added : “ In 2020 , businesses were surviving , not thriving . In 2021 , they need to look up from the operational side of the business and dedicate time and resource to identifying the core values of their organisation in a post-pandemic world , with a hybrid workforce which is looking to be supported and engaged by their employer . Culture is a key differentiator in attracting and retaining talent , and it is essential that businesses prioritise this to ensure that they are future-ready .” x
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